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Real-Time Embedded Systems and Components W/CD-ROM by Sam Siewert download book TXT, DOC, FB2


Due to the rapidly expanding market for digital media services and systems, there is a growing interest in real-time systems. Real-Time Embedded Systems and Components is a much-needed resource addressing this field for practicing engineers and students, particularly engineers moving from best-effort applications to hard or soft real-time applications. The book is written to teach practicing engineers how to apply real-time theory to the design of embedded components and systems in order to successfully build a real-time embedded system. It is also intended to provide a balance of fundamental theory, review of industry practice, and hands-on experience for undergraduate seniors or first-year grad students preparing for a career in the real-time embedded system industries. Throughout the book, you'll explore hard real-time theory and soft real-time concepts, real-time scheduling, debugging components, high availability and high reliability design, system lifecycles, and the processes for hardware, firmware, and software development for systems built from components. And you'll find a balance of theory, practice, and applications to help you learn the fundamental concepts needed to build your own real-time embedded system., Due to the rapidly expanding market for real-time digital media services and systems, there is growing interest in soft real-time systems. Real-Time Embedded Systems and Components is a much-needed resource addressing this field for practicing engineers and students, particularly engineers moving from best-effort applications to hard- or soft real-time applications. The book is written to teach practicing engineers how to apply real-time theory to the design of embedded components and systems in order to successfully build a real-time embedded system. It is also intended to provide a balance of fundamental theory, review of industry practice, and hands-on experience for undergraduate seniors or first-year grad students preparing for a career in the real-time embedded system industries. Throughout the book you'll find a balance of theory, practice, and applications to help you learn fundamental concepts to prepare you to build your own real-time embedded system. You'll explore hard real-time theory and soft real-time concepts, real-time scheduling, debugging components, high availability and high reliability design, system lifecycles, and the processes for hardware, firmware, and software development for systems built from components., The emergence of new soft real-time applications such as DVRs (Digital Video Recorders) and other multimedia devices has caused an explosion in the number of embedded real-time systems in use and development. Many engineers working on these emergent products could use a practical and in depth primer on how to apply real-time theory to get products to market quicker, with fewer problems, and better performance. Real-Time Embedded Systems and Components introduces practicing engineers and advanced students of engineering to real-time theory, function, and tools applied to embedded applications. The first portion of the book provides in-depth background on the origins of real-time theory including rate monotonic and dynamic scheduling. From there it explores the use of rate monotonic theory for hard real-time applications commonly used in aircraft flight systems, satellites, telecommunications, and medical systems. Engineers also learn about dynamic scheduling for use in soft real-time applications such as video on demand, VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), and video gaming. Sample code is presented and analyzed based upon Linux and VxWorks operating systems running on a standard Intel architecture PC. Finally, readers will be able to build working robotics, video, machine vision, or VoIP projects using low-cost resources and approaches to gain hands on real-time application experience. Real-Time Embedded Systems and Components is the one single text that provides an in-depth introduction to the theory along with real world examples of how to apply it.

Read online Real-Time Embedded Systems and Components W/CD-ROM in FB2, TXT

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